Hi, I’m Philip Moreira Tomei, I’m Brazilian and Italian. I tend to work at the intersection of technology and society. 

These days I do a lot of machine learning research at AOI and the Pax Machina group.  I am an incoming fellow of Antikythera and occasinally  publish things on AI policy like this at the OECD. 

My background is in Cognitive Science and dynamical systems theory. I also designed participatory art and write speculative fiction. I meditate a lot and I like to go on about things like LARP and collective intelligence.  

I tend to spend a lot of time talking to machines and listening to humans. 

When I’m not doing so, I dream about medieval choral music and winemaking.

Oh btw,  here are some things I reckon are worth reading.

Feel free to drop me a line: me at philiptomei dot com