some things I reckon are worth reading.

Cognitive Science and Complexity

Stuart Kauffman - Reinventing the Sacred, Investigations

Francisco Varela and Eleanor Thompson - The Embodied Mind

Karl Friston - Various papers on the Free Energy Principle 

Gregory Bateson - Towards an Ecology of Mind

Josph Tainter - The Collapse of Complex Societies

Robert Anton Wilson - Quantum Psychology

Terene Deacon - The Symbolic Species

William James - The Varieties of Religious Experience

David Bohm - Thought as a System [Lectures]

Philosophy  and Theology


Ludwig Wittgenstein - On Certainty
Thomas Nagel - What it is like to be a Bat

Maurice Marleau-Ponty - Collected Essays

James Ladyman - Understanding the Philosophy of Science 

Stanley Cavell - The Claim of Reason 

Anonymous - The Cloud of Unknowing


The Tao Te Ching - (Ursula le Guin Translation)

Shantideva - The Way of the Bodhisattva

Aldous Huxley - The Perennial Philosophy

The Dharmakaya

Anna Kavan - Ice

J.L Borges - Ficciones

Ivan Turgenev - First Love

Tom McCarthy - Remainder

Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time

Herman Hesse - Narciss and Goldmund

Aldous Huxley - Island

Italo Calvino - Invisible Cities

JG Ballard - Crash 

James Salter - A Sport and Pastime

Benjamin Labatut - When We Cease To Understand the World

Nick Tosches - Confessions of an Opium-Seeker

Isaiah Berlin - The Proper Study of Mankind

GK Chesterton - Collected Works